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Barbara Lamb










Barbara is a renowned researcher of the Crop Circle and Alien Abduction Phenomenon. She has extensive knowledge of numerous kinds of beings who are different than the typical ‘gray aliens’ we so often see described. These beings have an amazing variety of agendas for the humans with whom they interact. Barbara teaches about the reasons given by them for their actions with us: physical, psychological, mental and spiritual; helping us to make more sense of this perplexing phenomenon.

As a licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist, Barbara Lamb has conducted more than 1820 regressions to people’s encounters with unusual non-human beings. She has given dozens of lectures and conference presentations all over the U.S., England, Belgium and Canada. She has been a guest on numerous radio shows including Coast-to-Coast AM.Barbara is the former Executive Vice President of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies. She has been a trainer for the Professional Institute of Regression Therapy, for APRT, for the Hypnosis Clearing House, and for her independently sponsored courses. She was a board member and presenter for the Center for Crop Circle Studies in Los Angeles, California.




                                                               Andrea Perron










Andrea Perron is the author of "House of Darkness House of Light", a supernatural trilogy which is the true story behind the 2013 feature film "The Conjuring". She has also co-authored the historically-based mystery / thriller "In a Flicker" with George R. Lopez. In her frequent travels, she lectures about spirituality, metaphysics, and all phenomena considered paranormal, concentrating her research in Ufology, a lifelong curiosity and fascination. It is her passion, bearing new fruit in recent years. Her latest release is entitled, “A Wonder to Behold: Guideposts for Intergalactic Engagement with Humanity”, scheduled for publication in May of 2019.  

Earning a B.A. in Philosophy and English from Chatham College in 1980, she has since worked in several fields, as an entrepreneur, youth counselor and actor, pursuing a variety of eclectic interests over the decades. Currently, Andrea is writing the screenplay of her haunting family saga, collaborating within the film industry to bring their true story to light on the silver screen.


As an outspoken human rights advocate and animal rights activist, all she does, she does with love, always the best of intentions. It is her fervent desire to spread her positive message to as many as possible, hoping it will resonate with like-minded mortals as she relentlessly strives to dispel fear, bring peace to a troubled planet, and do her part to help heal the world of its woes.

Our family lived among the dead for nearly a decade. There we all came to understand that we are not alone, and there is something beyond our mortal existence. Having graduated from high school in 1976, I attended Chatham College in Pittsburgh, PA. Graduating in 1980 with a degree in Philosophy and English, it was during my senior year when my mother announced the sale of the farm was pending. I was heartbroken. In spite of the trials, it was “home” and I loved it. Returning to Rhode Island, we were there only a few weeks before relocating to Georgia, long enough to pack and say goodbye. It was over. Though we abandoned our place in the country, it never left us. Memory is poignant and powerful.


I’ve spent my life since engaging in a variety of endeavors. Georgia did not suit me. After seven years, I went home to R.I. Though I have always been a writer, I have likewise explored my own creative abilities. As a professional singer, songwriter, musician and actor, my time has been full of adventures and interesting characters. For more than twenty years, I was a cast member with The Theatre Company of Rhode Island, performing on the stage of The Assembly Theater, the historical centerpiece of Harrisville. For the final ten years I lived in R.I., I was employed as a youth counselor at Harmony Hill School in Chepachet, and lived in the village of Harmony, in a quaint cottage on Waterman Lake, also known as paradise on a pond.


In 2007, I began writing the manuscript which later evolved into the trilogy “House of Darkness House of Light”, and I again relocated to Georgia to be with my family while embarking upon such a major project involving all of them, as well. This task has proved to be quite an excursion in its own right, spawning several nightmares while we exhumed our memories of the dead. Often painful, it has also been a healing process, as each of us revisited a past impacting our present, clearly mapping the future of a family. There was no escaping unscathed, though we thought we had successfully done so at the time. This is a memoir whose time has come. Many have spoken and written about fragments of our story. Now is the time to tell the whole truth about what happened in the farmhouse alive with death. We spent an illuminating decade among the spirits. It is a tale worth telling because it is true. We are prepared to disclose our secrets, and more than thirty years hence, the world is finally ready to receive the message contained within our experience. It is nothing less than a revelation.





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International Speaker, Author

To learn more about Barbara

International Speaker, Author

Human Rights Activist

To learn more about Andrea

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