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Marilyn Harper

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Marilyn Harper has been called the Bette Midler of the new age movement and is considered a  midwestern Spiritual Spark Plug. She is a world renowned speaker, spiritual teacher, workshop leader, public speaker and channel to Anironna and the Council of Light, 17th dimensional beings.

She holds a Bachelors of Science in Education and prior to the walk-in, had completed her classwork for a Masters of Arts degree. She is a Reiki Master, Karuna Master, Quantum Touch practitioner, a certified intuitive consultant, certified remote viewer, certified Peak Potentials trainer and has been listed twice in Who’s Who in America. She has developed her own method of healing she calls Holographic Healing.

Before becoming a spiritual life coach, Marilyn was a deacon in the Christian church.  She became a walk-in soul exchange on April 22, 1993 in the Springfield, Missouri hospital at the age of 41. 

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